Hypocrisy In The Health Freedom Movement

Click here for Original Article by Caroline Chang
The Truth is finally out! I just listened to a few minutes of Del Bigtree on the Highwire today Thursday, March 6, 2025, and I am sick to my stomach. I have been expecting this for a long time. I just did not know when or how they were going to do it. Now I know.
Del just told people that babies should get the MMR vaccine because they no longer have natural immunity. My daughter was killed by the MMR vaccine! And what Del said is a HUGE LIE! I know that all babies are born with God-given natural immunity to everything. Our natural immunity is all we need to stay healthy.
I knew the reason that Del kept pushing “Safer Vaccines”, which there is no such thing. ALL Vaccines are poisonous! It is impossible to make poison safe! I knew that one day Del would be promoting vaccines, and he actually did that today with a LIE.
That is also why Del did his best to censor the Truth that Virology is Pseudoscience, it is fake and not real. No virus has ever been proven to exist. All vaccines do is harm and kill, as well as weaken your natural immunity. I knew that someday Del would be pushing and promoting vaccines, and that day has come.
As a mother whose daughter was killed, and who has been seeing through all the lies of Del and the Highwire for years, this should not come as a surprise to me. Nevertheless, it does. The twisted logic that he presented today as to why babies should be vaccinated with the MMR vaccine. Because their mothers were vaccinated, it is insane and completely illogical.
The ‘so-called’ Health Freedom movement, which is Del Bigtree, ICAN, the Highwire, RFK Jr. and Children Health Defense (CHD) are all in this together. It’s a “Bait and Switch SCAM”. They want to gain your trust and then promote vaccines. Here is their reasoning. Now that so many parents have been vaccinated, there is no more natural immunity. Now every baby should be vaccinated because this new generation of babies are not protected by natural immunity.
That is why this group will go to all lengths to censor the Ultimate Truth that no virus has ever been proven to exist. That is why this group spreads just as much fear-mongering about fictional viruses as mainstream News. That includes ‘so-called’ lab created viruses. No Virus, whether natural or man-made, has ever been proven to exist.
The title of today’s Highwire episode is FOWL PLAY. That is a very appropriate title for this show because what Del is doing is pretty FOWL! This is worse than Fauci and Gates, in my opinion. Because it’s easy to see what the Fauci’s and Gates of the world are doing. However, Del, ICAN, RFK Jr., and CHD get you to trust and believe in them.
Here is the 8-minute speech that Del made today revealing his TRUE Intentions. All his call for Safer Vaccines does is enrich Big Pharm! That is his true intentions and also the true intentions of the new HHS, RFK Jr. That is why they never want you to know the TRUTH. The Simple, Honest, Truth is that there is no need for any vaccines ever and there never has been. All they do is harm and kill. There is absolutely no evidence any vaccine has ever had any benefit.
Del Admits His TRUE INTENTIONS To Make Big Pharma Richer
Del and RFK Jr. have always said that they are Pro-Vaxx! I knew one day they would start promoting vaccines. I just did not know how they would do it until today. Now Del is promoting vaccines by saying that because people have been vaccinated since the 1960s, now babies have no natural immunity. So now babies should be vaccinated. He even promoted vaccinating pregnant women. As if vaccinating pregnant women would bring on natural immunity. What he said is insane! And he’s suggesting that a baby’s natural immunity comes from the mother, not from God.
These people gain your trust, people believe that these people and these organizations are on their side and have their best interest at heart. They believe they will save them. People believe in them and will defend them even when they start promoting vaccines, which they are now doing.
Everyone was saying RFK Jr. just said all those things about how he stands by the CDC vaccine schedule during the hearings to get the job. He was not lying to get the job; he was speaking his truth in those confirmation hearings. He is proving it now that he was speaking his truth.
Yes, it is criminal! And it was their plan all along. Get people to trust them and then tell them they should get vaccinated. I am not saying everyone involved with these organizations was aware of this plan. I am sure only the people at the top knew their true goal. I am sure there are some very well-meaning people involved with these organizations. They are also being blindsided.
For everyone who knows the ultimate truth, the core truth, viruses have never been proven to exist. They know that there has never been a need for any vaccine. They know that your natural immunity is all you ever need to stay healthy. And they know that you can NEVER make poison safe, and all vaccines are POISON.
I recorded a great show yesterday with Christine Massey. She is a Canadian researcher that has hundreds of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests replies from health institutions worldwide, including many replies from the CDC. The CDC has actually admitted in these replies that no virus has ever been isolated or purified in virology. I will have all that information in my show that I am airing tomorrow night.